Friday, September 4, 2015


A great debate has been going on in our country. I think the problem is institutional. And only system itself can put everything in order.
some questions from me can be like
if a student is weak in a subject then solution can be like
give her extra marks in the subject
give her promotion to other class irrespective of performance
give promotion to all in the class who are weak in that subject
find any criteria based upon which promotion to next class is given
or in the end we should work upon why is that student weak in that subject

same is the case (with further complications ) with policy of reservation
when during poona pact more reservation was given to scheduled caste it was for political representation.
the reservation in job is justified that particular community are not represented in the government employment. but then every individual is part of an age group, part of linguistic community , religious community or  different economic status. Do we consider all these criteria.

Another factor is expansions of resources for example it is said that Mughals failed in the end because they were not expanding their territory so as to satisfy growing discontent and demand for more power hungry.

Similar is the case with india in present stage. The problem is that we are not increasing job opportunities in general. So the limited bread has to be shared by expanding number of people. So the rise in discontent.

This discontent is visible in different forms in different times and in different regions.
such as discontent in north east, terrorism in J&K , Naxals in central india , huge migration to delhi for coaching and all.

youth is such a energetic stage that we all needed a direction to do something.
we are easily used by politicians when we lack information , knowledge , and wisdom.

So the major solution is possible with political path in accordance with constitution of india. But still we all can prove ourselves to be patriotic by following the fundamental duties mentioned in constitution of india such as respecting ideals of freedom struggle , respecting women, protecting nature and environment, and abjuring violence and like.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

communal incidence in churu

few days ago I was sceptical that churu was having cases of rape , cruel murder or such. I was convinced that person from churu can not even kill an ant. And even if there were cases of heinous crimes there were elements of outsider influence such as workers from bihar or criminals from haryana.

But few days back communal incidence took place in which buses were burnt , shops were destroyed in night, and during day whole of Churu was occupied by police.

The incidence started with petty matter of killing of cow, then a procession was allowed which carried the dead cow.

If we go deeper into why such incidence took place
1. complete failure of administration and definite involvement of key officials
2. only politicians are benefited from communal riots,
3. no new development in field of industry , job creation , sports, education-- these are necessary for using the energy of youth, otherwise youth can be misguided easily under frustration, fear, uncertainty of future prospects.

what is the solution
1. as per Amrtiya Sen let the people talk , it is the duty of every individual to talk to other regarding the occurrence of such incidence , be it hindu to hindu or hindu to muslim. At every turn or stop people must openly talk about occurrence of such incidence. Because if people will not talk then an undercurrent of suspicion will persist. and in long run this undercurrent if amplified by petty politicians
2. As per the administration there can be long term and short term solution
short term solution will be spreading the awareness about law. A single information about RPA will give signal to all that if anybody is booked in spreading enmity between communities he or she will never be able to contest election , other information which instill rule of law should be spread profoundly , transfer and punishment for those who could not take precautionary steps.

In long term steps there should be reservation
of economic-- urban planning can be done in such a way that there is reservation for houses for muslims between Hindus, shops of muslims between hindus , or in a way higher mixing of religion along with secular factors , because if a muslim is loosing money along with hindus his religion will not come in between.

of social-- muslims as board of directors in hindu temples and vice versa ,

3. the overall prosperity of society , which can come only from education is sine quo non for sustainability . because if people are frustrated then they will either move toward communals , regionalistic , naxals , militants or anything like that.

4. we have to create opportunity for younger generation in a way such a way that elder generation must empower  new entrepreneur to solve their secular problems. The spread of communalism can be fought with change of ideology of common men. Even great leaders like M K Gandhi has failed to curb this menace