Monday, December 18, 2017

animal instinct

What is it that distinguishes us, as human, from animals? the exact answer is,  we can think of ourselves and can also think what others are thinking about us. Also other human-like characteristics are love, respect, attention, etc. These values are what defines us as different from animals.

But we have common ancestors with animals so at some level we share each other's characteristics. that is, sometimes animals show love, respect, etc. for their loved ones. While they are showing these values they are definitely not only animals but also something else. But to see the animal's instinct we can remind of a group of wolves during a hunt -- no mercy -- no pain and only thing that came to their mind is filling the stomach.

Human when showing animals instinct indulges in killing, fighting, abusing, texting(without thinking), misusing mind and senses for jealousy, anger, disrespect etc.

That is why going away from senses if godly.


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