Wednesday, July 26, 2017

where are you abhishek

it is such a common question from me that I have no answer. some time back I used to think that when the situation will get better than I will answer but now I think I should answer. But I have different answers for different persons and my answer began, after finishing my college.
answer 1 is
after college, I got a decent job. After working for few months continuously I was on vacations at home. I was enjoying myself very much especially the food and weather. On that fateful evening, I went to buy mangoes for mango shake.  I knew that mangoes were 80rs/kg but the vendor was adamant for 85rs/kg. initially, it was a debate but within few seconds vendor and I were ready for each other's blood. And then the bad luck sat on my mind and I threw the 1 kg weight on his head. Ohh my God, still that moment shivers my spine. I killed a man. I was immediately arrested and within a few months bar of jail were my fate.

But as you know I am king of hell. So I manage to get the good company of drug lords and made friends from the underworld. As I was new in police record so I started managing accounts of Rajasthan's biggest don. But my destiny wants something else. Yes, i broke the jail out and started my own business. But of course more risky and full of money.

I was so happy that I bought a Ferrari. But on that fateful night, my Ferrari rode over few beggars  sleeping on roadsides. But this time there was few judges and fewer policemen. Thanks to the system and my rich business I was taken out the country and my Ferrari made me ''farrar''. As my business was no longer viable for me so I sold it in return of a private jet and few billion dollars. The only thing I could do was roam around the world and spend my money. On my tours around the world I happen to visit many tax heavens and from there links got established between me and black money generated in India, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia and much more.

Wish I would have not gone to that Casino in Lasvegas. As before that night I had all the luxuries of life, yes you know, but when I came out I made that Casino richest and without any competition. The news broke out and Indian secret services easily extradited me straight to Tihar jail.

But I was the product of this corrupt system and how could the information which only I was carring could be left unused. But the day mossaic fonsica broke out I knew that my days on earth are  countable on fingers. My information of absolutely of no use. Now Tihar was the safest place for me because my companions were terrorists, murdorers, rapists etc. But my enemies outside were dragons, dracualas, wolves, and savages who all just united to kill me for loosing their money.

Yes, I know , good people are always in the jail. But they are good, and their ethical and moral behaviour made me sneak out of the jail in the dark of that night.

I reached the old delhi railway station and managed to catch a train which just begun its journey. Yes it was an unplanned journey like I was born again, without any destination.

For next few hours I do not have energy to think about my journey or myself. Either dumbness or faintness exhumed me. But I was jolted by ticket checker and as I was without ticket. I could feel what those children might have been thinking, in movie slumdog millioner, when the TT said -- ye train tere baap ki hai kya. But I knew that the railway minister of india used to pay for contacting me.
Alas life is life, I was thrown out of train leaving me with no path and no destination.

I spent few hours in that railway station and then came out of it in search of food. I met some foreigners and started to have a conversation. Here my knowledge of world tours and differentlanguagese proved very handy and i got new companions. I joined them. And soon found myself on road to Khajuraho.

When we reached Khujaraho many of us decided to take rest in hotel and few decided to see the beauty of stones in fool moon night. I never knew what forced me to see that temple in that fatefull night. But the moment I entered the temple I found myself highly energized and there was nothing stopping me from feeling every nook and corner of that temple.

Suddenly I heard the voices of dance and music from the main sanctum. It was nearly 12 am and i could watch that the moon was never brighter than before.

But I was not alone and few others were also seated there and from their clothes, I could sense that they were scientists, tribals, and few holy men. Before I could be seated the show was ended for a new beginning.

I could sense that such a moments could not be bought with money or power or anything else, but with luck and that too on correct time.

And then came the most beautiful women, we could have ever imagined,  to dance before us. I could see that many of others got fainted after seeing her and many were hipnotized by her walk only. So I got on a more comfortable seat from where I could start seeing her.

And now she start dancing. there was no music except the air which was created by her moves. But then she start dancing faster and faster and the pillers of temple started resonating like tabla, sarod, guitar, and what not. Those who got fainted from seeing her were lucky because now there were many dead bodies who could claim to see her dancing.

But the effect on me was very different. I could only feel her dancing on that self created music. She took over my senses completely and then I start dancing with her. Our dance was perfectly synchronized like we were dancing for ages. We were two bodies but our soules were united by the energy of our dance. I could not feel that if the dance was the tandav of bhagwan shiva or meditation of gautam buddha. The heat oozing out of our bodies was enough to vapourise our sweat but it was the heat of our breaths that was not only melting the stone around but also started burning the surrounding forestes. The granite floor beneath our feets had already turned into finer sand and before this sand could cement the melting pillers, the sun bestowed it first ray of light in the temple.

that light was very clear one, and before i could break the rhythm and see her I realized that I have used every part of energy stored in every cell of my body. I started to fall. But she held me. I was in her lapses.
I could feel and sense from my hands that she has long hairs coming down till bottom of her waist like brahma could not contain knowledge in her head.

When my eyes saw into her eyes I got the joy and happiness which can not be bought with all the wealth of Kuber. It was through her eyes that I realized real sense of life which is beyond right and wrong, truth or lie, peace or violence, black or white. At that very moment I understood that life is about me and my devotion for her soul, that too without any other visible feature.

But my head which was cushioned by her hands close to her womb that made me realize through her heat that she held the reason for life and death. It was from her womb the life was created and when the purpose is exhausted the life can be taken away with flick of her finger. It was the creator of life and user of energy I was touching upon.

what happen next day when they three served me food in himalaya is a matter of my upcoming book. 

Saturday, July 8, 2017


for few years I am listening about cases of Jat's being at the wrong corner. This can be in northern India or in specific pockets but there is definitely some pattern that can be detected.  Take some of the incidents.
1. Muzaffarnagar riots .. Jat versus Muslims
2. encounter of a criminal from Nagaur-- Jat versus Rajput
3. criminal activities in Delhi and surrounding is invariably linked with culture that is dress and language resembling Jats

today while talking to a friend I stumbled upon this thought. But looking for reason is even more important. these reasons can be
1. Since very long communal lines are drawn between Hindus and Muslims, that has generated lots of awareness and it is very easy to identify politicians who are involved in such acts.
2. Jats are widespread and are in huge number so the chances of conflict are equally pronounced.
3. The presence of this particular community is very less in media and this issue of Jat and anti- jat is very sensitive to talk about on such platforms.
4. Jats have traditionally been found to be vocal and physical because of being in more number and a history of rigorous physical labor especially in farms (:D as truck drivers).  But now their voices are taken as a symbol of aggression and attack.  Politicians know how to use these symbols and mobilize votes.
-- the reason behind harsh language is that the region is continuously in turmoil due to foreign attacks through this route, as north and south, of this area,  are defended by rivers and desert.
**the antipathy can also be because of
5.  the state is always sceptical because of the presence of such a strong community near the capital and once J.Nehru himself talked about the presence of a community which can capture Delhi within blink of an eye.
6. Historically britishers have called this community as martial community, making them feel aggressive and others at recieving end.

what can be effects of this..
1. the emergence of leaders who are jat only and anti-jat only leaving aside regional boundaries.
2. there can be further incidents which can be coloured as per requirements of Jats and anti- Jat politicians

what we can do about it is that
first of all we have to acknowledge that there are lines being drawn by politicians which divide Jat against other communities.

Yes, of course, I am a Jat but I am also a north indian, hindi speaker, vegetarian, student, son and much more . So please stay away from identity politics and give a thought to facts and realities.