Friday, October 13, 2017

diwali ki safai and swacch bharat mission

on the one hand we have diwali ki safai in which we tend to break our back for cleaning our houses and showing greatest enthusiasm for cleanliness and on the other hand we have a clean india mission which is running at a snail's pace.
though it is evident that swacch bharat mission is mainly about public space and diwali's cleanliness is a private affair. But still we have to find reasons for our public space being so dirty.

some of the obvious reasons can be plastic, population pressure, etc but still there are suttle other factors like
1. urabn attitude which deals in minding own business.
2. missing cattles-- earlier almost every house or streets have cattle which can be fed with kitchen's waste.

3.  consumption pattern-- there was almost no waste because of behaviour of consuming till the end, for example, a cotton cloth was first worn by father then the son then it becomes grandson's bedsheet.

4. women were dedicated to household activities and have enough time to work for cleaning the house and surrounding with ease but nowadays both male and female have to work outside the house.

5. reduction in festivals-- diwali and other such festivals were occasions of inviting guests which is not the same in this era.

6. westernization -- our environment supports biodegradation unlike western colder countries so we follow the behaviour of spreading the things out so that heat of sunlight can work quickly. But now we are packing our garbage in plastic bags instead of sorting out them.

7. we do care for a clean place not for a dirty one. For example delhi metro is well maintained by riders. And our generation has inherited a poor environment.

8. migration has resulted in the centralization of policies and local people are left with no effective control over decision making.

9. british legecy which made us to respect power and not a human being. It works by giving less respect to sweepers than to a powerful person. so if a powerful person is doing something wrong then instead of opposing her we start following.

So the solution lies in understanding and respecting our culture so that courts don't have to intervene and ask pata-k mat chorna. 


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