Wednesday, April 26, 2017

what to do if we see a beggar

what will be the first thought came to you if u have 20 rupees and you see a beggar. This is a really good question and anybody can be taken a back with this question.
Sometimes begging is not a serious affair such as we see people in western countries begging with their guitar and speakers. An indian way is begging for religous purposes such as buddhist monks or hindu saints and yogis. But here dignity and self respect are never at stake and people are ready to donate. 

But the problem is with destitution, poverty, disabilities like a disease, old age, third sex etc and organised crime like kidnapping, organ selling etc. 

Money is a scarce resource and nobody has it for wasting. Here comes the queston in mind, for going with moral values or with economic realities of life. If we choose to be moral then we are satisfying ourselves, without thinking about the beggar. Also we are true to our future generations and teaching them the lessons of compassion and morality. And if we choose to go with economics then we have the incentive to work hard, enjoy our lives and one day will be able to help even more people. 

Not donating and donating is not an option. if we are human we must give, that's what our culture teaches us and that is what we must teach our children. But it is important where will be the point of incidence of donation, that is on the street or on the ballot box(oops evm). 

In between street and ballot box we can do much by keeping these destitute people in mind such as saving electricity, water, etc. Not wasting petrol or diesel and other such civic activites by which we can save government's money which will eventually be used in poverty alleviation programmesso that one day our country will be free from begging. 

So next time when a beggar will come to me I will deny him because I know that I have saved 20 rupees of my government by switching off fan at my room. And those 20 rupees will be given to him through a different route. 

Monday, April 24, 2017

post psychomatic depression

yesterday i was sitting in library with my books and i saw a message on facebook from a classmate from college. I will not name that friend so we can call him X. X wanted to talk to me urgently so I gave him my contact number. And in few minutes i got the call.

I answered it and found that X wanted 4000 rupees from me. Then with a little bargaining, he sat for 2000. I wanted to know that why he want money from me because its been many years that we have seen each other and in college also we had almost no conversation. Then he informed me that he was suffering from post psychomatic depression and few other diseases.  His father was also getting diagonised from other problems which were technical terms difficult for me to understand. Though I wanted to talk and know more but he was consistently asking for money. So we could not talk much.

After coming back to my seat, the first thought came to me is that people are really going through tough times. I thanked god for keeping me in good shape. Then I thought of helping X.

We have to understand that friends and family can do more than a doctor in cases of mental problems because of emotional attachment. But emotional attachment is not enough and we have to understand that depression is something that is definitely associated with a decline in the spiritual quotient.

So here are ways for helping X in recovering.
Firstly the concerned person must start talking to X for long hours and that can be possible by meeting him or giving time on telephone. Then going out with X and seeing new places will work. Once the relationship is established and there is confidence in relation then X must be asked to start running or jogging. this physical exercise if associated with writing for 3 hours a day can help a lot in mental development. At present stage X may start writing if given monetary rewards.

Once these physical and mental exercises are continued for 10-15 days then X must be accompanied with something with which he can spend time with. that something can be a dog, travelling, girl or anything interesting which should be his preference. With time of nearly 2 months, I am sure a helping hand can save a life, X .

I know friends who want to help other and X have contacted them but they lack initiation. Please friends help X. If not for X then for yourself because the satisfication you will get from supporting X is immense. I am sure that depression is a cycle and X will recover very soon in nearly 3-6 months.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

why nationalism

Recently when maggi was banned by the government, I came to realise that maggi is such a great nation builder. Nation by definition emphasises on sharedness, commonality etc. this commonality can be of food, culture, game, customs, etc. For example we indians feel the same when a cricket match take place between india and pakistan. similarly we indian feel the same when national anthum is played. So we need something in common between a soldier defending border and a girl about to be born.

Why cannot we say that there are no borders and we are all one and we are all for all. why to create borders for which we shed our blood. such as why scientists cannot produce for every country or why farmer cannot produce for every individual on earth. I mean why there is always this notion of nationalism such as american , pakistani , russian or german.

Taking a functionalist approach i would like to say that we choose nationalism as a way to serve human needs. yes we need nation for commonailty. By this commonality, we can express ourselves better.

Taking my point to interpersonal level. when we talk with each other then the best point to talk is to talk about what is common between us. otherwise, mr x will talk about his daughter and mrs y will talk about her books that too when book and daughter has nothing in common.

When we talk about something in common then we express our feelings and understand the feelings of others. And when it comes to sharing our feelings our family is the best place. because we have spent so much time with our family members that we almost do not need language to express ourselves. this expressing of feeling makes us human.

It is like we have so much to tell but language cannot convey everything so we choose art like painting, music, religion etc. which are beyond nationalism. But how much we talk in art or what about our other feelings which we have no time to express in art. So we need somebody to listen to us. and if others are listening then they require us to listen to them also. and then comes the commonness and sharedness upon which we can express our feeling and can agree upon.

But this is a big world and we have to distinguish between whome to discuss the most. And nationalism can provide best mechanism to share something among so many people that no other mean can provide, especially in present times. As in past religion was such a medium at the mass level.

So now we can understand all the fuss about nationalism created in media nowadays . but in the name of nationalism other means of expression such as religion, regionalism, linguism , feminism, culturalism, etc must not be suppressed. Because they are also means of expression of our feelings.

 Yes, nationalism is needed for people to understand each other i.e. when next time a person from northeast when visit north india they are not discriminated or next time when i pass through chandigarh I am not made to pay traffic challan just because my car is delhi or rajasthan numbered .  Ours is a diverse country with 1.25 billion aspirations. And if they all have to talk with each other then nationalism is only medium (i mean each other ).  let's unleash the power of talking and expressing our feelings.

So if there is no nation then there will be not talking among people from punjab with people from tamil nadu. we are a big country which means we can share our feelings with soo many other people and if we could forge this commonness upon each other then we know a bundle of sticks is far more stronger than individual sticks.

So nationalism provides commonality, which is needed in sharing of feeling, that is an individual necessity and this led to more opportunity and development of the physical and internal world. 

Saturday, April 15, 2017

new comers

few days back i was travelling from degana to delhi. on my way i met a boy who was very confident about his future such as in few days he is going to become an officer or going to rule the world like that. During that conversation, I had no chance of proving myself of any worth especially in his eyes. when the journey end i was in a state of shock and my mind felt the disappointment like never before. But life goes on and now when i see that idot, I feel that that day's feeling was such a waste of time.

Today i went to see one of my friend here in churu. that friend of mine was accompanied by a newly struggling boy. This reminded me of my train journey and I  realised that I must immediately run away from that potential strees bomb, for me. I did the same but made my friend aware of the dangers of roaming with such potential threat for self-confidence.

today i am writing this to inform everybody of my age, who are struggling and breaking their backs. These are stress-full times. nobody is feeling good about their lives because nobody should feel good if he/she has to achieve bigger. My friends, please keep calm, stay away from too much of contact with others, who are not ready to understand you. these others are those who have not done anything in their lives or are not facing stressful moments or are not young or mature enough. please stay away from facebook , it only tells us how happy others are and not what problems they are facing. As it is rightly said that if we have to be happy then we must look at those who are worse than us and believe me there are people like that.